
When I was a child I dreamed of being an chef, like my father or furniture maker like my grandfather. Years later, when I was in high school I had a lot of carrer options in my mind, like politic sciences, psychology and journalism. Finally I decided to study psychology because I wanted to help people and look the progress of my work in this people. At the moment, I've worked in concerts as a saleswoman, it's a job I like because I really enjoy music, as a waitress and in a job that destresses me (it is possible) dog walker.
Resultado de imagen para dog walker
When I finish my career I would like to have a job what inspires my soul and spirit, where I can change the world for make it better.

I would like not have a boss to command me, I have always been protective of respecting the rhythms in which people work, because not all are equal, besides, I consider myself an autonomous person, so, thinking of the future, I would like to have my own consultation and develop something a little more alternative with different types of animals as co-therapists (even their tenderness and selfless affection would help make people happier) and free assistance for those who need it most, because to make the world better, people have to be better too, change begins at home! 
                                          Resultado de imagen para animales como co-terapeutas


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